Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pillow talk

Pillow Talk The thoughts are flooding my mind, drowning my soul. Its 4 IN the morning and I’m staring at my ceiling fan, thinking of everything in my life, how I messed up, how people are so oblivious to everything. And I burry my face in my pillow, not so silently screaming out all my frustration’s. More and more thoughts fill my head and clouding my mind, vision and feelings. No words can explain this feeling, I physically cannot put these feelings into words and it scares me. It scares me because if I can’t explain how I’m feeling than how can I ever fix myself. How can I ever be normal again.

1 comment:

  1. I've been there myself and it really is the worst feeling to be unable to quiet your thoughts of regret and frustration, to close out the waking life for a brief reprieve.
