Eeyore’s Rain Cloud.
When I was little I always thought about the future, the plans I had,
the dreams, but I had a big imagination back then. I still have hopes and
dreams but my mind works more realistically now, I am a realist (or at least I try
to be). Ever since I realized that life never gives you a break, you work for
everything you want, nothing gets handed to you. Some think it’s a curse to
think this way, to function with this mind set but it’s not, it’s a blessing
actually. You never take on more than you can handle, but as a teenager that
means difficulties are bound to appear. Difficult Seeing Eye to eye with people
or making friends and even mass hysteria in your head you have to deal with. I never
thought that being a teenager and growing up required to think so realistically
but as you may know, it does and always will. Thinking back to the dreams I had,
they were very foolish and naïve but that’s what made me a child. And now
thinking realistically is what makes me human.
I hope you're able to find a balance between the realism of adulthood with a trace of imaginative magic of childhood. Even a spark of the fanciful can make the tough stuff of being a grown up a bit more bearable.