Wednesday, May 20, 2015


1: Some of the pieces I have done were; Photo writing, which we create a poem from a photo we already had or a photo we found, The Millennium picture which for me I wrote about how that picture made me feel about humanity and all we have become. I did the lyric shuffle which I especially liked because it combined my two favorite things, poetry and music.

2: I spent a lot of time this semester reading and writing like no other, one of my favorite things I read was a poetry book called “I don’t belong here myself” and its full of poems by many different writers and its one of my best investments.

3: Setting up by blog was hard and easy at the same time. I wanted it to be a place that reflected me and all that I am and aspire to be. The name kind of came naturally to me because I always wanted a blog named that I just never made one. I have learned from this that no matter who I chose to be someone will always listen to what I have to say even if they don’t agree. I will definitely continue to use my blog every day after this class and hope Mrs. Fraser will continue to leave little comments ;)  Like I always have I will continue to post whatever is going through my head at the time and hope someone takes the time to read my work.

4: journaling has definitely become a huge part of my life because it has become an outlet for when I can’t say what I’m thinking and I’m forever grateful to my teacher for showing me how freeing it can be, I would not like anyone to read it because its like my mind. Everything I write comes straight from my head and I don’t want anyone in there.

5:  Coffee Stains

Coffee stains added to the pages of my journal, accompanying the stale mascara marks,

Dripping onto my pages creating an untold work of art.

It’s like reading all the memories of my past by coffee and makeup stains, Recreating my horrifying past..

6: The thoughts are flooding my mind, drowning my soul. Its 4 IN the morning and I’m staring at my ceiling fan, thinking of everything in my life, how I messed up, how people are so oblivious to everything. And I burry my face in my pillow, not so silently screaming out all my frustration’s. More and more thoughts fill my head and clouding my mind, vision and feelings. No words can explain this feeling, I physically cannot put these feelings into words and it scares me. It scares me because if I can’t explain how I’m feeling than how can I ever fix myself. How can I ever be normal again.

7: I want to major in writing so in continue to do this as long as I can honestly. I see myself writing and only writing in the future. I get a sense of pride whenever I write, like someone wants to listen to the words I’m too scared to speak and it makes me a stronger person.

8: I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say but I’m going to try to be encouraging and say that I have enjoyed this class so much and look forward to seeing where you lives take you guys.. XX

9: it’s not a piece but I wanted to thank you Mrs. Fraser for teaching me so much this semester and look forward to our trip XX